You know you need a passport and a visa to move to a foreign country. But what about your family members with fur, feathers, or scales? Do they need a permit to cross international borders as well?

Wild and stray animals freely cross borders all the time, so it may seem counterintuitive that your healthy, domesticated animals would require paperwork of any kind. However, your pets will require documentation, and the amount of documentation will depend on the country you move to.

This blog post can’t cover the pet relocation requirements for every country in the world, but it can give you an overview of the basics so you know what to expect. Remember that you should start the documentation process for your pet several months in advance, just like you would do for your own documentation. Read below to learn more.

1. See If You Can Legally Bring Your Animals into the New Country

If you have a fairly common pet, like a cat or dog from a popular breed, then you won’t have any trouble taking it to a new country as long as you follow the steps in this post. However, if you have a more exotic pet, you might have trouble moving it across borders. You’ll have a particularly difficult time if your animal comes from an endangered species.

You may also have trouble if you have a cat or dog from a dangerous breed. Some countries restrict dogs and cats from breeds that have a reputation for violent temperaments. Even if your pets are sweet and well-behaved, you may have trouble getting them into the country. Explore your options beforehand.

2. Research Permits and Pet Passports for Your New Country-Even If You’ll Live on a Base

No matter what, you will need permits and pet passports for your furry, feathery, or scaly pets. The type of permit or passport depends on the country, so make sure you do your research long before you leave. Keep in mind that you may need this documentation even if you’ll live on a military base. After all, you’ll likely take your animal off the base during outings.

3. Schedule a Checkup with Your Veterinarian and Solve Health Problems Beforehand

Many countries require that people have medical examinations before they travel. The same goes for animals, so take your pets in to see the vet before you leave. The vet may need to give your animals more vaccinations before travel, especially if you move to a country with lax health restrictions or more pet diseases. Keep all the documents from your vet as proof of vaccination and other treatments.

4. Move during Non-Restrictive Temperatures

Some countries may restrict you from bringing your pets during seasons with severely cold or hot temperatures. These polices are meant to help your pets, since some animals don’t acclimatize well if they suddenly experience extreme temperature. If possible, plan your move around seasons when the new country will have similar temperatures to your current residence.

5. Determine If Your Pet Will Face Quarantine

Usually, if you have a pet passport, arrive during the right season, and take your pet to the vet for all the necessary preparations, your pet will completely or partially avoid quarantine. However, quarantine measures vary from country to country, so you may still face separation from your animal family members for a time. Research quarantine times in your new country so you can prepare in advance.

International moves often prove tricky, even when you don’t have pets. Learn how to navigate them with ease by reading other posts on our blog. You’ll start your international adventure on a good note instead of a stressful one, and that can make all the difference when you adjust to a new culture.

Tagged in: International Moves, Pets, relocation

For many, the perfect vacation involves sugar-white sand, rays of golden sunshine, and a colorful hammock swaying gently in the breeze. On more than one occasion, you may have even planned and went on such a getaway to a coastal state with your family.

But what if you didn’t have to travel halfway across the country to enjoy an ocean view? What if you could admire the beach from your kitchen window or drive 10 minutes from your home to build sandcastles with your kids?

When you move to a coastal state, you’ll have access to a variety of exciting activities that you can’t enjoy anywhere else. Better still, you can experience all of the following health benefits when you live permanently near the waterside.

1. Ocean Swimming Does Wonders for Your Skin and Muscles

You may already be familiar with the benefits of swimming laps in a pool. You might know that this exercise is easy on the joints and offers a full body, fat-burning workout for beginners and professionals alike.

But swimming in the ocean offers a few advantages that you won’t see in a pool. To start, seawater contains essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you can absorb through your skin. The saltwater and sand also act as natural exfoliates, giving you smoother, healthier skin.

And the more you swim in the ocean, the more you add years to your life. Studies found that those who immersed themselves in cold water multiple times per week have a significantly higher white blood cell count (necessary for fighting infection) than those who do not.

2. Breathing Fresh, Salty Air Improves Oxygen Absorption

City living contributes to a multitude of respiratory conditions. The smog can worsen asthma, and the dusty, polluted air can lead to allergies.

But when you move to smaller cities and towns near the coast, you can say “good-bye” to car exhaust and factory fumes and say “hello” to cleaner, fresher salt air.

According to experts, as the ocean surf pounds against the beach, the action creates negative ions in the air, similar to those seen after spring thunderstorms. These negative ions increase oxygen flow to your brain, resulting in heightened alertness and awareness, decreased fatigue, and greater mental energy.

And though research is ongoing, many speculate that these negatively charged ions may also alleviate symptoms of respiratory conditions, such as asthma or allergies.

3. Living near the Water Reduces Stress Levels

You might already know that drinking water reduces stress, and dehydration leads to an increase in Cortisol production, the stress hormone that contributes to weight gain and hypertension.

But did you know that just looking at water could reduce your stress levels?

Researchers have observed that the human brain is programmed to respond positively to water. Looking at it, being close to it, and interacting with it can reduce stress levels and put us in a calmer state of meditation. For many, living near water provides relief from depression and anxiety while simultaneously boosting creativity, clarity, and focus.

4. Ocean White Noise Enhances Sleep Quality

Many people love the sound of the ocean waves pouring in and pulling out in an endless rhythm. The crash and whoosh create their own ambient music. And the steady flow can often calm fussy children and anxious adults.

When you listen to ocean waves at night, the sound of the surf can mask other ambient and distracting noises that would otherwise interrupt your sleep. And experts have found that those who listen to ocean waves experience reduced muscle tension, stress levels, and heart rates, which all play a key role in your overall sleep quality.

Isn’t It About Time You Left for the Coast?

Although the occasional vacation, trip, or getaway to the beach can give you temporary benefits, you’ll want to move closer to the coast if you want to experience all of these benefits on a regular basis.

So what are you waiting for?

Talk to a real estate agent and schedule an appointment with your moving company. It’s time you improved your health by moving to the coast.

Tagged in: health benefits, moving to the coast, Ocean

When you nail an interview and land a new job, the world seems good at first. The pay looks excellent. The hours are perfect. And your coworkers appear friendly.

But you forgot to account for one thing: the commute.

The distance between your home and your job sounded manageable at first. But as the days, weeks, and months pass, you can’t help but wonder if you should move a little closer. You love your current house, so you need a few solid reasons before you pack up your valuables and find another property.

If you’re on the fence about moving, take a look at the following benefits you get when you live close to your office.

1. Lower Fuel Costs

Although gas prices vary from day to day, the IRS estimates that the average employee spends 0.51 cents per mile on their daily commute.

If you live about 38 miles away, you may spend a little over $19 a day in gas. Assuming you drive every day to work this year, you may spend as much as $4,769 in fuel costs alone. Factor in the costs of car ownership, insurance, and maintenance, and you’re spending a large portion of your income just going to work and coming home again.

Some estimate that for every mile you move closer, you can save $340 (going to and from work) a year. Better still, if you move within a few miles of your workplace, you can usually find alternative transportation (public buses, biking, and walking) that will save you even more money.

2. Save Time for Personal Hobbies

Traffic, like gas prices, varies from day to day. Some mornings you seem to fly through the intersections and merge onto the freeway with ease. But other mornings you face bumper-to-bumper traffic jams, accidents, and red lights that extend your travel time.

For the sake of simplicity, assume that you drive about 40 minutes to work, and you drive another 40 minutes home again. That’s 80 minutes of time spent in the car. If you make it to all 250 work days this year, you’ll sit in your car for about 334 hours, or almost 14 days.

Now imagine what you could do with 14 days’ worth of time. You might use a few of those extra hours to catch up on sleep, read your favorite books, or pursue a personal hobby. You might finally have the time to hit the gym or finish writing your memoir.

When you move closer to work, you can use the time that you would have spent in the car on things you value most.

3. Improve Your Health

Driving for extended times is hard on you mentally and physically. When a bad driver cuts you off in traffic or refuses to let you merge onto your exit, your stress and blood pressure levels may rise dramatically. And the longer you slouch behind the wheel, the more strain you put on your neck and back.

In fact, researchers have found that individuals who commute more than 10 miles in each direction tend to have a higher likelihood of developing anxiety and depression. Furthermore, those who commute for longer distances are less likely to exercise the recommended amount, and they tend to have higher blood sugar and cholesterol levels as well.

If you’ve noticed that you’ve gained weight since starting your commute, or that you struggle to relax and unwind when you come home from work, you may need to move closer to improve your health.

Don’t Be Afraid to Move a Little Closer

Although moving closer to work can seem like a hassle, you’ll enjoy a lot more benefits when you take the leap. In addition to improving your health and saving you time and money, your move could also have a positive impact on the environment (fewer exhaust fumes), present you with opportunities to make new friends (and new neighbors), and give you access to more entertainment and restaurants.

So don’t hesitate to find a new place closer to your office. You’ll be amazed at what your new town has to offer.

Tagged in: moving, Save money, work